was founded in 1954 and it has over 1000 members from music schools, faculties and music academies, primary schools, specialized secondary schools and grammar schools from the whole territory of Serbia. The main activity of the Association is organising the seminars, specialized trainings, competitions, festivals, concerts, etc. determined by the Curriculum which is formed every new school year. The Association also gives its support and its opinion for awarding the scholarship and for the education of young talented people in their own country and abroad; it also publishes the textbooks and reference books, and prints specialized informative magazines devoted to music and ballet educational work, thus affirming the activities of music and ballet pedagogues from their own country and from abroad. Each year its members are awarded the prizes for their successful educational results by the Association. The Association of Music and Ballet pedagogues of Serbia cooperates with the other associations from the ex Yugoslav republics as well as with the ones from the other countries. Also, it supports the full cooperation and coordination of its activities with the Ministries of Education and Culture, with the city and local authorities.
One of the most important manifestations of the Association is International Competition of Young Musicians “Petar Konjovic”, held fort the first time in 1991. The name of the Competition is connected to Petar Konjovic, one of the most important figures of Serbian culture. Since "Petar Konjovic", who was a composer, conductor, music writer, professor and rector of the Music Academy, was also one of the founders and directors of the Musicology Institute SANU, this very Gallery has become the traditional place for the opening of the Competition. The international character of the Competition gives the chance to the young talented musicians from all over the world to meet their peers and to compare their music talent to the other ones’. The international jury consisting of distinguished domestic and foreign pedagogues and eminent music professionals, awards the prizes and special recognitions by applying very strict criteria for each discipline and category. In this way, talented young musicians could realise and develop their music capacity; they could get self confidence for the performances and make a repertoire needed for going to the other international competitions.
Since 1998, the Competition “Petar Konjovic” has been an extraordinary and since 2002 an ordinary member of European Union of Music Competitions for Youth, EMCY with its main office in Munich, which is very important for getting included in the modern tendencies of European music education. Successful cooperation with this very important international organisation is shown by the participation of the most successful competitors of the Competition “Petar Konjovic” at European concerts, seminars, music camps and international youth orchestras in Europe.
Osnovano je 1954. godine i okuplja članove iz muzičkih škola, sa fakulteta i muzičkih akademija, osnovnih škola, srednjih strucnih škola i gimnazija, sa teritorije cele Srbije. Primarna delatnost Udruženja jeste organizovanje seminara, stručnih usavršavanja, takmičenja, festivala, smotri, koncerata, i drugo, u skladu sa Planom i programom rada koji se donosi svake školske godine; davanje podrške i mišljenja za stipendije i školovanje mladih talenata u zemlji i inostranstvu; izdavanje udžbenika i priručnika uz podržavanje proverenih autora; štampanje stručnih informativnih časopisa posvećenih muzičkoj i baletskoj pedagogiji sa afirmacijom aktivnosti muzičkih i baletskih pedagoga iz naše zemlje i sveta. Svake godine Udruženje muzickih i baletskih pedagoga Srbije svojim članovima dodeljuje godišnje nagrade za istaknute pedagoške rezultate. Udruženje muzičkih i baletskih pedagoga Srbije saraduje sa Drugim Udruženjima bivših jugoslovenskih republika kao i iz drugih zemalja. Takode, zalaže se za punu saradnju i koordinaciju svojih aktivnosti sa Ministarstvima prosvete, kulture, gradskim i lokalnim vlastima.
Jedna od važnih manifestacija Udruženja jeste Medjunarodno takmičenje mladih muzičara “Petar Konjović”, prvi put održano 1991. godine. Ime takmičenja vezano je za Petra Konjovića, jednog od najznačajnijih neimara srpske muzičke kulture. Budući da je Petar Konjović, kompozitor, dirigent, muzički pisac, profesor i Rektor Muzičke akademije bio i jedan od osnivača i upravnik Muzikološkog instituta SANU, prostor ove Galerije postaje tradicionalno mesto otvaranja Takmičenja. Medunarodni karakter Takmičenja omogucava mladim talentovanim muzičarima iz svih zemalja sveta da se kroz muziku upoznaju i uporede sa svojim vršnjacima. Medjunarodni žiri sastavljen od domaćih i inostranih istaknutih pedagoga i uglednih muzičkih profesionalaca, po strogim kriterijumima dodeljuje nagrade za svaku disciplinu i kategoriju, uz mogućnost dodele i specijalnih priznanja. Na ovaj način talentovanim mladim muzičarima, omogućava se da u okviru ovog takmičenja ostvare i razviju svoj muzički potencijal, steknu izvodjačku sigurnost i sačine repertoar potreban za odlazak na druga medjunarodna takmičenja u svetu.
Od 1998. godine, Takmičenje “Petar Konjović” je vanredan, a od 2002. i redovni član Evropskog udruženja omladinskih takmičenja EMCY (European Union of Music Competitions for Youth) sa sedištem u Minhenu, što predstavlja važan korak u pravcu uključenja u savremene tokove evropske muzičke pedagogije. Uspešna saradnja sa ovom značajnom medjunarodnom organizacijom ogleda se takodje i u učešću najuspešnijih kandidata Takmičenja «Petar Konjović» na Evropskim arhivama, seminarima, muzičkim kampovima i medjunarodnim omladinskim orkestrima u Evropi.